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A podcast about the craft of creating software and effective development teams.


A podcast about the craft of creating software and effective development teams.

All episodes

30 min
May 20, 2024

System Architecture and Conway's Law

Learn how organizational communication structures can shape the architecture of systems. The team discusses the balance between creating independent teams for faster development and the potential pitfalls of unnecessary silos, especially for startups and smaller teams.
39 min
May 16, 2024

Design Systems in Action: Collaboration Between Designers and Developers

Learn about implementing design systems in various environments, automated design-to-code processes, and the crucial role of detailed design documentation.
43 min
March 12, 2024

AI and Machine Learning for Software Development in 2024

Exploring AI in development tools, data security, privacy, and local hosting. The Headway development team dives into using AI tools such as ChatGPT in browsers and code editors (including VS Code and Vim), to addressing privacy and security concerns surrounding AI.
41 min
February 22, 2024

2024 Reboot: What's Going on Lately with the Headway Development Team

We're back! Join the Headway development leadership team for a chat about RailsConf, Vim and VS Code, PWAs, Turbo Native, Rails 8, Elixir, React, and more.
38 min
January 5, 2021

Static Sites with Gatsby

Considering building a static site with Gatsby? Jacob and Matt, developers at Headway, dive into their experience with Gatsby on client projects and solutions they’ve found most valuable.
45 min
August 3, 2020

Team Retrospectives

Make your app development team retrospectives more impactful to prevent your team from talking in circles and do better work together with guest, Andrew Stuntz.
23 min
February 1, 2020

The Art of Storytelling in Product Development

The art of storytelling through commit messages, pull requests, and documentation like READMEs with Jon Kinney, Partner & CTO of Headway.
2 min
January 31, 2020

The Intro

Welcome to Even-Keeled, a podcast about the craft of creating software and effective development teams. I'm your host Jon Kinney, and I'm a founding partner and the CTO of Headway.